Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy 2nd Anniversary

Life has been crazy busy for us and although time is passing by so fast we are going to try and update our blog more lol.

As Gabe is still in Hawaii working I just wanted to take the time and wish my baby Happy 2 years of marriage! (Sorry I am late on here lol)

I love being married to the man that has been so much more then I could have ever dreamed of. Your amazing and I am blessed to have you as my best friend baby!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plush Weddings and Events

After my Internship with CLM Weddings and Events was complete, I knew I was in love with planning Weddings and Events. I decide it was time and with my partners Emily and Kaila we opened up our company this month. We are so excited for the Journey ahead of us and can't wait to start planning weddings and events!!! Become on fan on Facebook and Twitter!! Check us out at: Plushweddingsandevents.com A special thanks to my Wonderful Husband for all his love, support and Free man labor on Remodeling our office to make it our own with custom built desk, bookshelves and much more! Pictures to come soon!

San Marco Family Pictures

San Marco Family Pictures!!
I am been super super busy but around Christmas time, The San Marco siblings wanted to do something special for our mom, so we went and took some family photos for a Surprise late gift for her. The last time we took family pictures, Nick was around 3 or 4 lol. So its been around 6 years so we were way over due and this time we have two new members lol Gabe and Johnny :) Well we found Lauren from Lauren Skousen Photography. She did a wonderful job! Check her out: http://www.laurenskousen.com/category/portraits/family/ Once we got all the pictures on a CD, I made my mom a photo book with all the pictures and she loved them all and is trying to pick her favorite to have put in a frame to put in her house :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Just going down memory lane, I was looking at ideas for my sisters wedding in June and came across our old Wedding Web Page, Crazy that we have been married for over 500 Days lol. Love you babe 27


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

November 2009

Family Time: In November 2009 Jas, Elissa and Gavin came up and stayed with us for a whole week. Conny and Auntie Jenny came to visit and the start of the week and towards the end of the week Gary,Eva,Peanut,Evita,Garrison,Greg,Cigi,Jess and Boston stayed with us for the whole weekend! Lets just say we had a FULL house lol. We had so much fun just hanging out, playing games, tennis,cooking and talking. Here are some pictures from our fun time together!!

House Projects

Gabe loves having a house that he can do WHATEVER he wants to :)

He has been a huge help!

We love our master bathroom shower because its huge but we didn't have a shelve to put all our shampoos and stuff anywhere.So leave it to Gabe..

Our Garage only had one tiny light and being married to a Electrician, that just won't do lol. Gabe is doing Wonderful in his Apprenticeship Program about to start into his 3rd year in January. I am so proud of all his hard work.Love ya baby

Here are some pictures of Gabe putting in new lights in our Garage.


We have a new member of the family!! Sparky is our Little Boy. He is 100% Australian Shepherd. My Parents Had 3 dogs and They weren't getting along well, so we took Sparky to come live with us in Vegas. He is VERYYYY Spoiled but a good boy. We Love having him around, he is so much fun and loves to cuddle.